首页 > 協會章程



                           第一章    概況             

第一條中國提琴家協會是在香港注冊的合法社會團體,成立于2017910日。中文名稱是"中國提琴家協會",英文名稱是"Chinese string musicians association"                                        

 第二條 協會宗旨:團結全國以及世界各地華人華僑提琴界人士(小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴)演奏家、教育家、演奏員、基層老師,開展學術交流,磋商技藝,共謀發展,致力于普及提琴藝術,推動和促進中國提琴事業的發展。                                           

第三條 本協會在中華人民共和國憲法和法律範圍內開展活動。

                         第二章  任務



                   第三章  會員

‌第六條 凡是承認協會章程,具備一定專業素質,且能夠按照規定繳納會費的提琴工作者,須由一名副會長,或兩名理事推薦,經協會審核同意方能加入本協會。  特殊情況下,申請人也可以直接向協會提出入會申請,經協會審核同意後加入本協會。  

第七條 會員入會需填寫入會申請表,並提供身份證複印件一份(正反兩面),二吋免冠彩色近期照片兩張。

第八條 會員有參加協會組織的各項活動的權利,有對協會工作提出意見或建議的權利,有選舉和被選舉的權利,有自願退出協會的權利。(注:會員退出後,三年內不得再次申請入會,三年後如果要求再次入會,需要按照程序重新申請)。

第九條 會員必須嚴格遵守國家法律、法規,自覺維護中國提琴家協會名譽,一旦發現不良行爲,協會有權對其進行警告、處分、直至除名。

               第四章 組織                   

第十條 中國提琴家協會的最高權利機構是會長負責制下的理事會。會員代表大會,每五年舉行一次,必要時可以提前或推遲召開。其主要任務是:制定和修改協會章程,聽取會長作任期內工作報告,安排協會下一步工作。








第十一條 設立監事二名,負責監督協會的收入和支出。

第十二條 學會聘請若幹名提琴界德高望重的人士,擔任中國提琴家協會名譽會長及顧問。

第十三條 對違犯國家法律和協會章程的會員,協會有權利進行警告,處分、直至除名。

                 第五章 經費

第十四條 中國提琴家協會爲非盈利性組織,其經費來源如下:




                 第六章 附則

第十五條 本章程解釋權歸中國提琴家協會。

第十六條 本章程爲(修訂版)正本,如確有必要修改,需經理事會同意。




Articles of Chinese String Musicians Association    

Chapter I Overview

Article 1 China Violators Association is a legal social organization registered in Hong Kong, which was established on September 10, 2017. The Chinese name is "中国提琴家协会" and the English name is "Chinese String Musicians Association".                                        

Article 2 The purpose of the Association: to unite Chinese and overseas violinist players, educators, performers and grass-roots teachers from all over the country and other parts of the world, to carry out academic exchanges, discuss skills and seek common development, devote themselves to popularizing violin art, and promote and promote the development of violin career in China.                                            

Article 3 The Association shall carry out activities within the scope of the Constitution and laws of the People's Republic of China.

Chapter II Tasks

Article 4 The association has the responsibilities of liaison, coordination, service and business guidance to the branches and members.                

Article 5 The Association will conduct international academic research and exchange activities, teacher-student competitions, international music festivals, concerts, lectures and public welfare performances from time to time.                                  

Chapter III Members

Article 6 Violin workers who recognize the Association's articles of association, possess certain professional qualities and can pay membership fees according to regulations must be recommended by a vice president or two directors before joining the Association upon examination and approval by the Association. Under special circumstances, the applicant can also apply for membership directly to the association, and join the association after being examined and approved by the association.   

Article 7 Members should fill in the application form for membership, and provide one copy of ID card (both sides) and two recent two-inch bareheaded color photos.

Article 8 Eighth members have the right to participate in various activities organized by the association, have the right to put forward opinions or suggestions on the work of the association, have the right to vote and be elected, and have the right to voluntarily withdraw from the association. (Note: Members may not apply for membership again within three years after they quit. If they want to join again after three years, they need to apply again according to the procedures).

Article 9 Members must strictly abide by the laws and regulations of the state, and consciously safeguard the reputation of the Chinese String Musicians Association . Once any bad behavior is found, the Association has the right to warn, punish or even remove it.

Chapter IV Organization

Article 10 The highest authority of the Chinese String Musicians Association is the Council under the responsibility of the president. Members' congresses are held every five years, and may be held in advance or postponed if necessary. Its main tasks are: to formulate and revise the association's articles of association, listen to the president's work report during his term of office, and arrange the next work of the association.

1. a president, elected by the Council;

2. A number of vice presidents, appointed by the president;

3. A secretary-general, appointed by the president;

4. Several deputy secretaries and secretaries appointed by the Secretary-General;

5. A chairman, appointed by the first vice president;

6. Several directors shall be nominated by the chairman and submitted to the Council for examination and approval.

Responsibilities of the Council: review the work report and financial report of the Council, decide the working principles and tasks of the Association, decide other important matters of the Association, sign relevant important documents on behalf of the Association, and check the implementation of the resolutions of the member congress and the Council.

Article 11 Two supervisors shall be established to supervise the income and expenditure of the Association.

Article 12 The Society employs a number of highly respected people in the violin field to serve as honorary presidents and consultants of the Chinese String Musicians Association.

Article 13 The Association has the right to warn, punish or even remove members who violate national laws and articles of association.

Chapter V Funds

Article 14 The Chinese String Musicians Association is a non-profit organization, and its funding sources are as follows:

1. Membership dues.

2. Social and personal donations.

3. Other lawful income.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 15 The interpretation right of the Articles of Association belongs to the Chinese String Musicians Association.

Article 16 The Articles of Association is the original (revised version). If it is really necessary to amend it, it must be approved by the Council.


Chinese String Musicians Association

                                                                      July 2021